To perform database migrations in Entity Framework, you can follow these specific steps:
1. Use Entity Framework Core tools: Entity Framework Core provides a set of CLI commands that allow you to perform database migrations easily. You can use commands like `dotnet ef migrations add [MigrationName]` to create a new migration, and `dotnet ef database update` to apply the migration to the database.
2. Enable migrations in your project: Before creating migrations, you need to enable migration support in your Entity Framework project. You can do this by running the command `dotnet ef migrations enable`.
3. Create a new migration: Once migration support is enabled, you can create a new migration by running the command `dotnet ef migrations add [MigrationName]`. This will generate a new migration file with the necessary code to update the database schema.
4. Update the database: After creating the migration, you can apply the changes to the database by running the command `dotnet ef database update`. This will execute the migration script and update the database schema accordingly.
By following these steps, you can easily perform database migrations in Entity Framework and keep your database schema in sync with your code changes.

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