Adobe Illustrator Interview Question: What is the difference between the RGB and CMYK color modes?
RGB and CMYK are two different color modes used in Adobe Illustrator that serve specific purposes.
RGB Color Mode:
RGB stands for Red, Green, Blue and it is used for digital displays such as computer monitors, televisions, and smartphones. It is an additive color model where different intensities of these three colors are combined to create a wide range of colors.
CMYK Color Mode:
CMYK stands for Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Key (Black) and it is used for printing purposes. It is a subtractive color model where these four colors are layered on top of each other to absorb light, creating a wide range of colors suitable for printing.
It is important to note that RGB colors may look different when printed in CMYK, so it is crucial to convert your artwork to the appropriate color mode before sending it for printing.

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