What is the difference between “On Error Resume Next” and “On Error Goto 0” in VBScript?

1 Answers
Answered by suresh

Difference between "On Error Resume Next" and "On Error Goto 0" in VBScript

Difference between "On Error Resume Next" and "On Error Goto 0" in VBScript

"On Error Resume Next" and "On Error Goto 0" are both error handling techniques in VBScript, but they function differently:

  1. On Error Resume Next:

    - With "On Error Resume Next", the VBScript interpreter will continue to the next line of code even if an error occurs during the execution of a statement.

    - This means that if an error occurs, the code will not halt and the script will continue executing from the next line of code.

  2. On Error Goto 0:

    - With "On Error Goto 0", the default behavior of VBScript error handling is restored.

    - This means that if an error occurs, the script will terminate and an error message will be displayed, unless there is specific error-handling code in place.

It is important to choose the appropriate error handling technique based on the specific requirements of your VBScript code.

Answer for Question: What is the difference between “On Error Resume Next” and “On Error Goto 0” in VBScript?