Difference between "my" and "local" variables in Perl
In Perl, both "my" and "local" are used to declare variables, but they have different scopes and behaviors:
1. "my" variables:
Variables declared with "my" are lexical variables that have a limited scope. They are only accessible within the block of code in which they are declared. This means that if you declare a variable with "my" inside a subroutine, it will not be accessible outside that subroutine.
2. "local" variables:
"local" variables, on the other hand, are global variables that are dynamically scoped. This means that they are accessible from anywhere in the code, but their value is local to the current block of code where they are declared. When a new value is assigned to a "local" variable, it only affects the current block of code and any subroutines called within that block.
Therefore, the main difference between "my" and "local" variables in Perl lies in their scope and behavior within the code.

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