What is the difference between JMS Queue and JMS Topic?
When discussing Java Message Service (JMS), it is crucial to understand the distinction between JMS Queue and JMS Topic.
Focus Keyword: JMS Queue vs JMS Topic
JMS Queue:
A JMS Queue is a point-to-point messaging model where messages have a single consumer. Messages sent to a queue are stored until the consumer retrieves and processes them. Each message in a queue is processed by only one consumer, ensuring a one-to-one message delivery pattern.
JMS Topic:
On the other hand, a JMS Topic follows a publish-subscribe messaging model where messages can have multiple subscribers. Publishers send messages to a topic, and all subscribers registered to that topic receive the message. This results in a one-to-many message delivery pattern, making topics suitable for broadcasting information to multiple consumers.
In summary, the primary difference between JMS Queue and JMS Topic lies in their messaging models - point-to-point for queues and publish-subscribe for topics. Understanding these distinctions is essential when designing messaging solutions in JMS.

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