What is the difference between InnoDB and MyISAM storage engines in MySQL?

1 Answers
Answered by suresh

What is the difference between InnoDB and MyISAM storage engines in MySQL?

Difference between InnoDB and MyISAM storage engines in MySQL

When it comes to MySQL, the two most commonly used storage engines are InnoDB and MyISAM. Understanding the differences between these two can help you make better decisions for your database design and performance optimization.


InnoDB is a transactional storage engine in MySQL that supports ACID properties (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability). It is optimized for reliability and data integrity, making it suitable for applications that require high compliance with database transactions. InnoDB supports row-level locking and foreign key constraints, which can ensure data integrity.


MyISAM is a non-transactional storage engine in MySQL that is known for its simplicity and high performance in read-heavy applications. It does not support ACID properties but is faster in read operations compared to InnoDB. MyISAM uses table-level locking, which can affect concurrency in a multi-user environment.

Key differences

  • InnoDB supports transactions with ACID properties, while MyISAM does not.
  • InnoDB supports row-level locking, while MyISAM uses table-level locking.
  • InnoDB supports foreign key constraints, while MyISAM does not.
  • InnoDB is more suitable for applications requiring data integrity and reliability, while MyISAM is better for read-heavy applications.

Ultimately, the choice between InnoDB and MyISAM depends on the specific requirements of your application in terms of performance, data integrity, and concurrency.

Answer for Question: What is the difference between InnoDB and MyISAM storage engines in MySQL?