1 Answers
What is the difference between header table and item table in SAP MM?
In SAP MM, header table and item table serve different purposes when it comes to managing material data.
Header Table:
- The header table in SAP MM stores general information or attributes related to a specific transaction, such as purchase orders, sales orders, etc.
- It typically contains data that is maintained at the top level of the transaction and applies to the entire document.
- Examples of header tables in SAP MM include EKKO (Purchase Order Header), VBAK (Sales Document Header), etc.
Item Table:
- The item table in SAP MM stores line item details or specific information related to each item or product in a transaction.
- It contains data at a more granular level and represents individual line items within a transaction.
- Examples of item tables in SAP MM include EKPO (Purchase Order Item), VBAP (Sales Document Item), etc.
Therefore, the main difference between header table and item table in SAP MM is the level of data granularity they represent and the specific information they store within a transaction.

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