What is the difference between flexbox and grid layout in CSS?

1 Answers
Answered by suresh

Flexbox vs Grid Layout in CSS

Flexbox vs Grid Layout in CSS

Flexbox and Grid layout are two powerful tools in CSS for creating responsive and dynamic layouts. Here are the key differences between the two:


  • Primarily for one-dimensional layouts (either in a row or a column).
  • Flexible and great for aligning items within a container.
  • Can change the order of items without altering the source HTML.
  • Best suited for components within a larger layout.

Grid Layout:

  • Primarily for two-dimensional layouts (rows and columns).
  • Allows for precise placement of items within a grid container.
  • Can create complex layouts with ease, such as magazine-style designs.
  • Best suited for overall page layout and structuring content.

Both flexbox and grid layout can be used together to achieve optimal responsiveness and design flexibility in CSS.

Answer for Question: What is the difference between flexbox and grid layout in CSS?