What is the difference between clean and package goals in Maven?

1 Answers
Answered by suresh

Difference between clean and package goals in Maven

Difference between clean and package goals in Maven

In Maven, the clean goal is used to remove all the compiled files, temporary build files, and other files generated by Maven during the build process. It helps in cleaning up the project directory before starting a new build.

On the other hand, the package goal is used to package the compiled source code into a distributable format such as a JAR, WAR, or EAR file. It does not clean the project directory but creates the artifact that can be deployed or distributed to other environments.

Therefore, the main difference between the clean and package goals in Maven is that the clean goal focuses on cleaning up the project directory, while the package goal focuses on creating a deployable artifact from the compiled source code.

Answer for Question: What is the difference between clean and package goals in Maven?