Understanding the Difference between “==” and “===” in JavaScript
One of the most important concepts in JavaScript is the comparison operators “==” and “===”. These operators are used to compare values in JavaScript, but they have distinct functionalities.
Focus Keyword: Difference between “==” and “===” in JavaScript
“==” Operator:
The “==” operator in JavaScript is known as the equality operator. It compares two values for equality, but it performs type coercion before making the comparison. This means that if the types of the two values are different, JavaScript will attempt to convert them to a common type before comparing.
“===” Operator:
On the other hand, the “===” operator in JavaScript is known as the strict equality operator. It also compares two values for equality, but it does not perform type coercion. This means that not only the values have to be equal, but they also have to be of the same type for the comparison to return true.
In summary, the key difference between “==” and “===” in JavaScript is the way they handle type coercion during comparison. It is generally recommended to use the strict equality operator “===” to avoid unexpected behavior due to type conversion.

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