What is the difference between an array and a linked list in terms of memory allocation and flexibility?
Arrays and linked lists are data structures used in programming with key differences in memory allocation and flexibility.
Memory Allocation:
An array allocates a fixed amount of memory at the time of creation. The elements are stored in contiguous memory locations, allowing for faster access based on index positions. However, resizing an array can be inefficient as it may require copying elements to a new location with more space.
A linked list, on the other hand, dynamically allocates memory for each element as it is needed. Each element, or node, contains a reference to the next element, creating a chain-like structure. This dynamic allocation allows for efficient insertion and deletion operations, but it may consume more memory due to the additional pointers pointing to the next nodes.
Arrays have a fixed size determined at the time of creation, making it challenging to resize dynamically. Adding or removing elements can be cumbersome and inefficient, especially when the array is near full capacity.
Linked lists, however, provide flexibility in size as nodes can be added or removed easily without the need to resize the entire structure. This flexibility makes linked lists suitable for situations where the size of the data structure is unpredictable or frequently changing.
In summary, arrays offer fast access based on index positions but have limited flexibility in size, while linked lists provide dynamic memory allocation and flexibility in size but may incur additional memory overhead. Choose the appropriate data structure based on the specific requirements of your program.
Using the focus keyword "difference between an array and a linked list" in an interview context can demonstrate your understanding of fundamental data structures and their respective memory allocation and flexibility characteristics.

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