1 Answers
Stack vs Queue Data Structure: Key Differences
In computer science, both stack and queue are abstract data structures used for storing and retrieving elements. Here are some key differences between the two:
- Stack follows the Last In First Out (LIFO) principle.
- Elements are added and removed from the top of the stack.
- Common operations on a stack include push (insert element) and pop (remove element).
- Stacks are used in function call and recursion handling.
- Queue follows the First In First Out (FIFO) principle.
- Elements are added at the rear (enqueue) and removed from the front (dequeue) of the queue.
- Common operations on a queue include enqueue (add element) and dequeue (remove element).
- Queues are ideal for handling scheduling and breadth-first search algorithms.
Understanding the differences between a stack and a queue is crucial in choosing the right data structure for a specific programming problem.
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