What is RDD in Apache Spark and how is it different from DataFrame and Dataset?
In Apache Spark, RDD stands for Resilient Distributed Dataset. It is the fundamental data structure in Spark that represents an immutable, distributed collection of objects that can be processed in parallel.
Unlike RDDs, DataFrames and Datasets are higher-level APIs that provide a more structured and optimized way to work with data in Spark.
DataFrames are similar to RDDs but they provide a schema-based structure that allows for easier manipulation and optimization of data. DataFrames are typically used for structured data processing tasks.
Datasets, on the other hand, are a new addition in Spark that combine the advantages of both RDDs and DataFrames. Datasets provide type safety and a more object-oriented programming interface, making them more efficient and easier to work with for both structured and unstructured data processing.
In summary, RDDs are the basic building block of Spark that provide low-level control over data processing, while DataFrames and Datasets offer higher-level abstractions that simplify data manipulation and optimization.

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