What are the key differences between a servlet and a JSP in a J2EE application?

1 Answers
Answered by suresh


Key Differences between Servlet and JSP in J2EE Applications

Key Differences between a Servlet and a JSP in a J2EE Application

When working on a J2EE application, it is important to understand the distinctions between a servlet and a JSP. The main focus keyword here is J2EE application.


  • A servlet is a Java class that extends the capabilities of servers to generate dynamic content.
  • It is used to write server-side logic and handle client requests.
  • Suitable for complex business logic handling and data processing.
  • Requires Java programming skills to create and maintain.

JSP (JavaServer Pages)

  • A JSP is a technology that allows developers to create dynamic, platform-independent web content.
  • It simplifies the process of writing HTML by embedding Java code within the HTML page.
  • Primarily used for designing the presentation layer of an application.
  • Does not require extensive Java knowledge, making it more accessible for front-end developers.

While servlets focus on handling business logic, JSPs primarily deal with the presentation layer of a web application. Combining both technologies allows for the efficient development of robust and user-friendly J2EE applications.


Answer for Question: What are the key differences between a servlet and a JSP in a J2EE application?