Ways to Merge Branches in Git
There are several ways to merge branches in Git, each with its own use case:
1. Merge Commit
The merge commit method creates a new commit to merge the changes from one branch into another. This method is commonly used to integrate feature branches into the main branch while preserving the history of changes.
2. Fast-Forward Merge
In a fast-forward merge, Git simply moves the branch pointer forward to the target branch without creating a new commit. This method is suitable for merging branches that diverged briefly and can be fast-forwarded without conflicts.
3. Rebase Merge
Rebasing involves moving the changes from one branch to another by applying each commit from the source branch onto the target branch. This method helps maintain a linear history but should be used cautiously to avoid rewriting history.
4. Squash Merge
Squash merging combines all the changes from a feature branch into a single commit before merging it into the target branch. This method keeps the commit history clean and concise, useful for maintaining a clean project history.
Choose the appropriate merge method based on your project requirements and workflow to ensure a smooth integration of changes in Git.

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