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Handling Dynamic Elements on a Web Page Using Selenium WebDriver
There are several ways to handle dynamic elements on a web page using Selenium WebDriver:
- Explicit Waits: By using explicit waits in Selenium WebDriver, you can wait for a specific condition to be met before proceeding further in the test script. This is useful for handling dynamic elements that may take some time to load or change.
- Implicit Waits: Implicit waits can be set globally for the entire test script, specifying a maximum amount of time that WebDriver should wait when trying to find an element. This can help in handling dynamic elements that may appear or change unexpectedly.
- Fluent Waits: Fluent waits are a combination of explicit and implicit waits, allowing you to set a maximum wait time as well as polling interval for checking the presence of an element. This can be helpful when dealing with dynamically changing elements.
- Using Dynamic Locators: Instead of relying on static locators, consider using dynamic locators that can adapt to changes in the web page structure. XPath and CSS selectors with attributes that are less likely to change can help in identifying and interacting with dynamic elements.
- Handling Stale Element Reference Exceptions: When a previously located element becomes stale or detached from the DOM due to dynamic changes on the page, you can handle this exception by re-locating the element using a try-catch block or using utility methods in Selenium WebDriver.
By employing these techniques, you can effectively handle dynamic elements on a web page using Selenium WebDriver and ensure the reliability and stability of your automated tests.

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