What are the different types of repositories in Siebel and how are they used in the application?

1 Answers
Answered by suresh

Welcome to the Interview Question: Types of Repositories in Siebel

When it comes to Siebel, there are primarily two types of repositories – Siebel Tools Repository and Siebel Enterprise Repository.

Siebel Tools Repository

The Siebel Tools Repository, also known as the development repository, is primarily used by developers and administrators for configuring and customizing the Siebel application. This repository is where changes to the data model, user interface, workflows, and other application components are made using the Siebel Tools application.

Siebel Enterprise Repository

The Siebel Enterprise Repository is the production repository that stores the final configuration of the Siebel application after all the development and customization work has been completed in the Tools Repository. This repository is used by end users to access and interact with the Siebel application.

Both types of repositories play a crucial role in managing and deploying changes in a Siebel application, with the Tools Repository being used for development and the Enterprise Repository for production.

Overall, understanding the different types of repositories in Siebel and how they are used is essential for effectively managing and maintaining a Siebel implementation.

Focus Keyword: repositories in Siebel

Answer for Question: What are the different types of repositories in Siebel and how are they used in the application?