What are the different bean scopes available in Spring and explain each one?

1 Answers
Answered by suresh

Bean Scopes in Spring Framework

When working with Spring Framework, there are several bean scopes available to define how Spring manages and creates instances of beans. Understanding these bean scopes is crucial for managing the lifecycle of beans within your application. Let's discuss the different bean scopes in Spring:

Singleton Scope

The Singleton scope is the default scope in Spring, where only one instance of the bean is created per Spring container. This means that every time the bean is requested, the same instance is returned.

Prototype Scope

The Prototype scope, on the other hand, creates a new instance of the bean every time it is requested. This allows for more flexibility and independence but may also result in increased memory usage.

Request Scope

The Request scope creates a new instance of the bean for each HTTP request. This is commonly used in web applications where beans need to be tied to a specific request.

Session Scope

The Session scope creates a new instance of the bean for each HTTP session. This is useful for storing user-specific data throughout a user's session on the application.

Custom Scope

In addition to the built-in bean scopes, Spring also allows developers to define custom scopes based on their specific requirements. This provides flexibility in managing bean instances and their lifecycles.

Overall, understanding and utilizing the different bean scopes in Spring Framework is essential for effective bean management and optimizing application performance.

Focus Keyword: bean scopes in Spring

Answer for Question: What are the different bean scopes available in Spring and explain each one?