1 Answers
Differences Between a Cursor and a Cursor Variable in PL/SQL
In PL/SQL, both cursors and cursor variables are used to process a result set. However, there are some key differences between the two:
- Cursor: A cursor is a named private SQL area where the database system parses and executes the query. It loops through the rows in the result set one by one, allowing sequential access to the data.
- Cursor Variable: Also known as a REF CURSOR, a cursor variable is a pointer or reference to a cursor. It does not contain the actual result set but points to one. Cursor variables provide more flexibility as they can be opened for any query, allowing dynamic SQL execution.
- Declaration: Cursors are explicitly declared in the PL/SQL block using the CURSOR keyword, while cursor variables are declared as variables of type SYS_REFCURSOR or a specific cursor type.
- Usage: Cursors are best suited for static queries where the result set is known at compile time. Cursor variables are preferred when the result set needs to be determined at runtime or when the same cursor needs to be shared between different procedures.
Understanding the differences between cursors and cursor variables is crucial for efficient data processing in PL/SQL programming.

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