What are different modes of message delivery in JMS and explain each one of them?
In JMS, there are two main modes of message delivery:
1. Point-to-Point (P2P) Messaging
Point-to-Point messaging involves a single sender and a single receiver. In this mode, messages are sent to a specific destination, known as a queue. Each message is consumed by only one recipient. It ensures message delivery to a single consumer.
2. Publish/Subscribe Messaging
Publish/Subscribe messaging involves multiple publishers and multiple subscribers. In this mode, messages are sent to a topic, and multiple subscribers can receive the same message concurrently. It allows for one-to-many communication where multiple subscribers can receive messages published to a topic.
These are the two main modes of message delivery in JMS, each serving different communication patterns and requirements.
This HTML snippet is SEO-friendly and provides information on the different modes of message delivery in JMS - Point-to-Point and Publish/Subscribe. It explains each mode and their respective characteristics.

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