How does transaction management work in JDBC?
Transaction management in JDBC allows for the grouping of multiple database operations into a single unit of work. This ensures that either all operations within the transaction are successfully executed or none of them are, maintaining data integrity and consistency.
When a transaction is initiated in JDBC using the connection object, the database is set to a specific transactional state. As SQL statements are executed within this transaction, any changes made to the database are not permanent until the transaction is either committed to apply the changes or rolled back to discard them.
The key methods involved in transaction management in JDBC are commit() to save the changes made in the transaction and rollback() to undo any changes and revert the database to its state before the transaction.
By effectively managing transactions in JDBC, developers can control the flow of data interactions with the database and ensure that all operations are completed successfully or none at all, aiding in maintaining the integrity and consistency of the data.

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