How does EIGRP choose the best path to reach a destination network and what factors does it consider in its decision-making process?

1 Answers
Answered by suresh

How EIGRP chooses the best path to reach a destination network

How EIGRP chooses the best path to reach a destination network

In EIGRP (Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol), the process of selecting the best path to reach a destination network is determined by various factors. EIGRP utilizes a composite metric called Successor Route to make routing decisions. The focus keyword in the question is EIGRP choose best path destination network.

Here are some key factors that EIGRP considers in its decision-making process:

  1. Bandwidth: EIGRP considers the bandwidth of the links along the path. Paths with higher bandwidth are preferred.
  2. Delay: EIGRP also takes into account the delay or latency of the links. Paths with lower delays are favored.
  3. Reliability: The reliability of the links is another factor considered by EIGRP. More reliable paths are prioritized.
  4. Load: EIGRP looks at the current load on the links. Paths with lower load are preferred.
  5. MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit): EIGRP also considers the MTU of the links. Paths with compatible MTU sizes are chosen.

By evaluating these factors, EIGRP calculates the Successor Route based on its composite metric and selects the best path to reach the destination network.

Answer for Question: How does EIGRP choose the best path to reach a destination network and what factors does it consider in its decision-making process?