How can you pass parameters to an RFC function module in SAP ABAP?

1 Answers
Answered by suresh

How to Pass Parameters to an RFC Function Module in SAP ABAP

When working with RFC function modules in SAP ABAP, you can pass parameters by using the EXPORTING, IMPORTING, CHANGING, and TABLES keywords. These keywords allow you to define the parameters that are passed to and from the function module.

To pass parameters to an RFC function module in SAP ABAP, you need to include the parameter names and types in the function module definition. For example, if you want to pass a string parameter, you would define it using the following syntax:

FUNCTION your_rfc_function.
    parameter TYPE string.

When calling the RFC function module, you can pass the parameters by providing the values for the corresponding parameter names. For example:

CALL FUNCTION 'your_rfc_function'
  DESTINATION 'your_destination'
    parameter = 'your_value'.

By using these keywords and syntax, you can effectively pass parameters to an RFC function module in SAP ABAP, ensuring that the function module receives the necessary input and produces the expected output.

Remember to always test your RFC function module calls to ensure that the parameters are being passed correctly and that the function module is behaving as expected.

For more information on working with RFC function modules in SAP ABAP, refer to the SAP documentation on RFC programming.

Answer for Question: How can you pass parameters to an RFC function module in SAP ABAP?