Explain the difference between the ‘INNER JOIN’ and ‘LEFT JOIN’ in PostgreSQL.

1 Answers
Answered by suresh

Explanation of INNER JOIN and LEFT JOIN in PostgreSQL

The difference between INNER JOIN and LEFT JOIN in PostgreSQL

When working with relational databases in PostgreSQL, it's essential to understand the distinctions between INNER JOIN and LEFT JOIN.


The focus keyword here is INNER JOIN. An INNER JOIN in PostgreSQL retrieves only the rows where there is a match in both tables being joined. Rows that do not have a corresponding match are excluded from the result set.


The focus keyword here is LEFT JOIN. A LEFT JOIN in PostgreSQL retrieves all the rows from the left table and the matched rows from the right table. If there is no match, NULL values are returned for the columns of the right table.

Understanding when to use INNER JOIN and LEFT JOIN is crucial for querying databases effectively and obtaining the desired results.

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Answer for Question: Explain the difference between the ‘INNER JOIN’ and ‘LEFT JOIN’ in PostgreSQL.