Explaining the Difference Between Application Server and Web Server in WebSphere
When it comes to WebSphere, it's essential to understand the distinction between an application server and a web server, as they serve different functions in the deployment of web applications.
Web Server:
A web server primarily handles HTTP requests from clients and serves static content such as HTML pages, images, and CSS files. It is responsible for accepting incoming requests and sending responses back to the client. Web servers like Apache or Nginx are often used in conjunction with application servers in WebSphere environments to enhance performance and scalability.
Application Server:
An application server, on the other hand, is designed to execute dynamic processing logic and run business applications. It provides an environment for deploying, managing, and executing enterprise applications, including handling database access, security, transactions, and other complex business logic. In WebSphere, the application server component plays a crucial role in executing Java EE applications and providing a runtime environment for them to operate effectively.
Therefore, in WebSphere, the web server focuses on handling HTTP requests and serving static content, while the application server manages dynamic processing and executes enterprise applications seamlessly.

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