In a web deployment scenario, the difference between a web server and an application server lies in their specific functions and roles.
A web server is a software program responsible for handling and delivering HTTP requests sent by clients, typically browsers. Its primary function is to serve static content like HTML files, images, and CSS files to users browsing a website. Examples of popular web servers include Apache HTTP Server and Nginx.
On the other hand, an application server is designed to execute application code, manage databases, and handle dynamic content generation. It can interpret and process application logic, interact with databases, and execute middleware like Java servlets or PHP scripts. Application servers also provide additional services such as connection pooling, load balancing, and security features. Examples of application servers include Tomcat, JBoss, and Microsoft IIS.
In a deployment scenario, you would typically use a web server as the first point of contact for incoming HTTP requests, serving static content efficiently and handling basic processing tasks. When more sophisticated processing is required, such as executing dynamic application logic, interacting with databases, and managing user sessions, an application server would be employed.
Overall, a web server primarily deals with delivering static content and managing HTTP requests, while an application server focuses on executing application logic and handling more complex processing tasks. The choice between them depends on the specific requirements of the deployment scenario, with both often used together in a web application architecture to provide a seamless user experience and efficient performance.
Focus keyword: web server vs application server

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