Explain the difference between a task and a transaction in CICS?

1 Answers
Answered by suresh

Explaining the difference between a task and a transaction in CICS

The Difference Between a Task and a Transaction in CICS

In CICS, a task is a unit of work initiated by a user or application program that interacts with the CICS system. A task can encompass multiple interactions with the system and can involve multiple transactions.

On the other hand, a transaction in CICS represents a specific sequence of operations that are performed to achieve a particular business function or task. Transactions in CICS are defined in the CICS system definition files and are identified by a unique transaction ID.

Tasks can span multiple transactions, allowing for complex business processes to be carried out efficiently. Transactions, on the other hand, are specific and focused on achieving a particular goal within the CICS environment.

Understanding the distinction between tasks and transactions in CICS is crucial for efficient programming, debugging, and troubleshooting within the CICS environment.

Answer for Question: Explain the difference between a task and a transaction in CICS?