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Activity Lifecycle in Android
The Activity lifecycle in Android refers to the series of states that an Activity goes through during its lifetime. Understanding the Activity lifecycle is crucial for developing Android apps to ensure proper handling of UI elements and resources.
During the Activity lifecycle, there are several key methods that are commonly used:
- onCreate(): This method is called when the Activity is first created. It is typically used for initialization tasks such as setting up the UI and initializing variables.
- onStart(): This method is called when the Activity is becoming visible to the user. It is usually used to perform any tasks that are needed before the Activity is displayed.
- onResume(): This method is called when the Activity is visible and ready to interact with the user. It is often used to start animations or other ongoing actions.
- onPause(): This method is called when the Activity is about to go into the background. It is used to save any unsaved data or user interactions.
- onStop(): This method is called when the Activity is no longer visible to the user. It is often used to release resources or stop background tasks.
- onDestroy(): This method is called when the Activity is being destroyed. It is typically used to clean up any resources that are no longer needed.
By utilizing these methods effectively during the Activity lifecycle, developers can ensure that their Android apps provide a smooth and responsive user experience.

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