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JUnit Interview Question: Annotations used in JUnit and their purposes
JUnit is a popular testing framework for Java applications and provides various annotations to facilitate testing. Here are some of the annotations used in JUnit and their purposes:
- @Test: This annotation indicates that the method is a test method that JUnit should run.
- @Before: This annotation indicates that the method should be executed before each test method to set up the test environment.
- @After: This annotation indicates that the method should be executed after each test method to tear down the test environment.
- @BeforeClass: This annotation indicates that the method should be executed before any test method in the class is run, typically used for setup tasks that are performed once.
- @AfterClass: This annotation indicates that the method should be executed after all test methods in the class have been run, typically used for cleanup tasks.
- @Ignore: This annotation indicates that the test method should be ignored by the test runner.
- @RunWith: This annotation specifies a custom test runner to be used for running the tests.
By utilizing these annotations effectively, testers can organize and control the execution of their JUnit tests with precision.

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