1 Answers
Handling Dynamic Elements on a Webpage with Selenium WebDriver
When using Selenium WebDriver to automate testing on a webpage with dynamic elements, there are several strategies you can employ to ensure your tests are successful.
- Wait for Element to be Present: Use explicit waits in Selenium to wait for the dynamic element to be present on the webpage before interacting with it. This can prevent NoSuchElementException errors.
- Using Xpath or CSS Selectors: Instead of relying on fixed locators, use Xpath or CSS selectors to locate dynamic elements based on their attributes or properties.
- Handling AJAX Calls: If the dynamic element is loaded after an AJAX call, you can use Selenium's waitForAjax method to wait for the call to complete before interacting with the element.
- Refreshing the Page: If the dynamic element changes frequently, you can refresh the page at specific intervals using Selenium to ensure you are interacting with the most up-to-date version of the element.
By utilizing these techniques, you can effectively handle dynamic elements on a webpage using Selenium WebDriver and create robust and reliable automated tests.

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