Selenium IDE (128)
Selenium WebDriver (49) Welcome to our Selenium Interview Questions and Answers page!
Explore in-depth discussions on commonly asked questions regarding Selenium testing tool. Enhance your knowledge and ace your next interview with our comprehensive resources. Stay ahead in your career with valuable insights and expert advice on all things Selenium.
Top 20 Basic Selenium interview questions and answers
1. What is Selenium?
Selenium is an open-source automation testing tool used to automate web browsers for testing purposes.
2. What are the different components of Selenium?
The components of Selenium are Selenium IDE, Selenium WebDriver, Selenium Grid, and Selenium RC (Remote Control).
3. What is the difference between WebDriver and Selenium IDE?
Selenium WebDriver is a programming interface to create and execute test cases, while Selenium IDE is a record and playback tool.
4. What is the difference between findElement() and findElements() in Selenium WebDriver?
findElement() method returns a single WebElement based on the locator provided, while findElements() method returns a list of WebElements based on the locator provided.
5. What is Selenium Grid?
Selenium Grid is a tool used to run Selenium tests on multiple machines simultaneously, allowing for parallel test execution.
6. What is a WebElement in Selenium?
WebElement is an interface in Selenium used to represent an HTML element on a web page, such as text boxes, buttons, links, etc.
7. What is XPath in Selenium?
XPath is a language used to locate elements on a web page by defining their path in the HTML structure.
8. What is a testNG framework in Selenium?
TestNG is a testing framework that allows for parameterization, grouping, and sequencing of test cases in Selenium.
9. What is the difference between Assert and Verify commands in Selenium?
Assert command checks if the given condition is true or false and stops the test execution if false, while Verify command checks the condition and continues the test execution even if it fails.
10. How do you handle alerts in Selenium?
Alerts in Selenium can be handled using the Alert interface methods like accept(), dismiss(), getText(), and sendKeys().
11. What is the difference between implicit wait and explicit wait in Selenium?
Implicit wait tells the WebDriver to wait for a certain amount of time before throwing a NoSuchElementException, while explicit wait is used to wait for a specific condition to occur before proceeding further in the code.
12. How do you handle dropdowns in Selenium?
Dropdowns in Selenium can be handled using the Select class to select options by visible text, value, or index.
13. What is the difference between close() and quit() methods in Selenium?
The close() method closes the current browser window, while the quit() method closes all browser windows and ends the WebDriver session.
14. How do you handle multiple windows in Selenium?
Multiple windows in Selenium can be handled using the window handles and switchTo() method to switch between windows.
15. What is the difference between get() and navigate().to() methods in Selenium?
The get() method navigates to a URL in the current browser window, while the navigate().to() method can navigate to a new URL in the current window or open a new tab.
16. How do you handle frames in Selenium?
Frames in Selenium can be handled using the switchTo().frame() method to switch the WebDriver focus to the desired frame.
17. What are locators in Selenium?
Locators in Selenium are used to identify web elements on a web page, such as ID, Name, Class Name, Tag Name, Link Text, and XPath.
18. What is the difference between driver.findElement() and driver.findElements() in Selenium?
driver.findElement() returns the first matching WebElement based on the locator strategy provided, while driver.findElements() returns a list of all matching WebElements.
19. How do you handle cookies in Selenium?
Cookies in Selenium can be handled using the addCookie(), deleteCookie(), and getCookies() methods to manage browser cookies.
20. How do you capture screenshots in Selenium?
Screenshots in Selenium can be captured using the getScreenshotAs() method of the TakesScreenshot interface to save the screenshot as a file.Top 20 Advanced Selenium interview questions and answers
1. What is the difference between findElement and findElements in Selenium?
– findElement returns a single matching element, while findElements returns a list of all matching elements.
2. Explain the differences between driver.get() and driver.navigate().to() in Selenium?
– Both methods load a new web page, but driver.get() waits for the page to load completely before returning, while driver.navigate().to() does not wait for the page to fully load.
3. How can you handle dynamic elements using Selenium?
– Dynamic elements can be handled using explicit waits with conditions like presence_of_element_located, visibility_of_element_located, etc.
4. What is the difference between Implicit Wait and Explicit Wait in Selenium?
– Implicit Wait sets a global wait time for all elements, while Explicit Wait waits for a specific condition to occur before performing further actions.
5. Explain the importance of Page Object Model (POM) in Selenium testing?
– POM helps in maintaining the separation between test code and page-specific code, making the test scripts more readable, maintainable, and reusable.
6. What is the difference between driver.getWindowHandle() and driver.getWindowHandles() in Selenium?
– driver.getWindowHandle() returns a string of the current window handle, while driver.getWindowHandles() returns a set of all window handles opened by the driver.
7. How can you handle alerts in Selenium?
– Alerts can be handled using the Alert interface provided by Selenium, with methods like accept(), dismiss(), getText(), etc.
8. What is the difference between driver.switchTo().frame() and driver.switchTo().defaultContent() in Selenium?
– driver.switchTo().frame() is used to switch to a specific frame on the web page, while driver.switchTo().defaultContent() is used to switch back to the main content of the page.
9. Explain the benefits of using TestNG with Selenium?
– TestNG provides features like grouping, parameterization, dependency handling, and parallel execution of test cases, making it a powerful testing framework for Selenium.
10. How can you handle dropdowns in Selenium?
– Dropdowns can be handled using the Select class in Selenium, with methods like selectByVisibleText(), selectByValue(), selectByIndex(), etc.
11. What are the different types of locators supported by Selenium?
– Selenium supports locators like ID, Name, Class Name, Tag Name, Link Text, Partial Link Text, CSS Selector, and XPath.
12. How can you handle multiple windows in Selenium?
– Multiple windows can be handled using window handles, by switching between different windows based on their handles.
13. What is the difference between driver.quit() and driver.close() in Selenium?
– driver.quit() closes all browser windows and ends the WebDriver session, while driver.close() closes the current browser window.
14. How can you perform drag and drop operations in Selenium?
– Drag and drop operations can be performed using Actions class in Selenium, with methods like dragAndDrop(), dragAndDropBy(), etc.
15. How can you capture screenshots in Selenium?
– Screenshots can be captured using the TakesScreenshot interface in Selenium, and saving the screenshot to a specified location.
16. Explain the usage of WebDriverEventListener in Selenium?
– WebDriverEventListener helps in listening to the WebDriver events like beforeNavigateTo, afterNavigateTo, beforeClickOn, afterClickOn, etc., and performing specific actions based on those events.
17. How can you handle HTTPS certificates in Selenium?
– HTTPS certificates can be handled by creating custom profiles in Selenium, accepting the untrusted certificates, or by ignoring certificate errors using options like acceptInsecureCerts.
18. What are the limitations of Selenium WebDriver?
– Selenium WebDriver cannot test mobile applications, perform CAPTCHA security tests, interact with desktop applications, or handle browser pop-ups generated by the Operating System.
19. How can you handle browser cookies in Selenium?
– Browser cookies can be handled using the WebDriver.Options interface in Selenium, with methods like addCookie(), deleteCookie(), deleteAllCookies(), etc.
20. How can you work with iframes in Selenium?
– Iframes can be handled using driver.switchTo().frame() method to switch to the desired frame and perform actions inside it.
Selenium IDE (128)
Selenium WebDriver (49) 285 views1 answers0 votes