SAS Programmer (50) 

Welcome to our SAS Interview Questions and Answers page

We are thrilled to have you here! Whether you are a beginner or an experienced SAS user, this page will provide you with a wealth of valuable information. Explore our comprehensive collection of interview questions and expertly crafted answers to help you excel in your SAS interview. Happy learning!

Top 20 Basic SAS Interview Questions and Answers

1. What is SAS?
SAS stands for Statistical Analysis System. It is a software suite used for advanced analytics, business intelligence, data management, and predictive analytics.

2. What are the main components of SAS?
The main components of SAS are Base SAS, SAS/STAT, SAS/GRAPH, SAS/ETS, SAS/IML, and SAS/ACCESS.

3. How is missing data represented in SAS?
In SAS, missing numeric data is represented by a period (.) and missing character data is represented by an empty space (‘ ‘).

4. What is the purpose of the DATA step in SAS?
The DATA step is used to create and manipulate SAS datasets. It allows you to read data from external sources, manipulate the data, and write it back to an output dataset.

5. What is the difference between WHERE statement and IF statement in SAS?
The WHERE statement is used to subset observations before reading them into SAS, while the IF statement is used to conditionally process observations within the DATA step.

6. Explain the different types of SAS datasets.
SAS datasets can be classified into three types: raw data files (created from external sources without any special features), data libraries (collections of datasets stored as physical files), and views (logical subsets of data that do not contain any data themselves).

7. How is macro variable different from a regular variable?
A macro variable is resolved by the SAS macro processor before execution, whereas a regular variable is resolved during the data step or procedure execution.

8. What is the purpose of the PROC SQL statement?
The PROC SQL statement is used in SAS to perform SQL (Structured Query Language) queries on SAS datasets. It provides a powerful and flexible way to manipulate and analyze data.

9. How can you eliminate duplicates from a dataset in SAS?
You can eliminate duplicates from a dataset in SAS using the SORT procedure and the nodupkey option. The nodupkey option removes observations with duplicate key values.

10. What is the difference between RETAIN and KEEP statements in SAS?
The RETAIN statement is used in the DATA step to retain the values of variables across iterations of the DATA step, while the KEEP statement is used to specify which variables to keep in the output dataset.

11. How do you debug SAS programs?
You can debug SAS programs by using the PUT statement to display intermediate results or using the OPTIONS statement to turn on the debugging options. You can also use the SAS log and error messages to identify and fix issues.

12. How can you create a new variable in SAS?
You can create a new variable in SAS by using the DATA step and assigning a value to it using an assignment statement or a function.

13. What is the purpose of the MERGE statement in SAS?
The MERGE statement is used in the DATA step to combine two or more datasets based on common variables. It creates a new dataset containing all the variables from the input datasets.

14. What is the SAS data step?
The SAS data step is a programming construct used to read data from input datasets, apply transformations or calculations, and write the processed data to an output dataset.

15. How do you read raw data in SAS?
You can read raw data in SAS using the INFILE statement in the DATA step. The INFILE statement specifies the location and format of the input data.

16. What is the purpose of the FORMAT statement?
The FORMAT statement is used in SAS to assign formats to variables. Formats control how variables are printed or displayed.

17. How do you create a macro in SAS?
You can create a macro in SAS by using the %MACRO and %MEND statements to define the macro and the %LET statement to assign values to macro variables.

18. How can you suppress the output of a SAS dataset?
You can suppress the output of a SAS dataset by using the NOPRINT option in the DATA step.

19. What is the purpose of the MEANS procedure in SAS?
The MEANS procedure in SAS is used to calculate descriptive statistics, such as means, sums, standard deviations, and percentiles, for variables in a dataset.

20. What is the purpose of the PROC IMPORT statement?
The PROC IMPORT statement is used in SAS to import data from external sources, such as Excel or CSV files, into SAS datasets. It automatically detects variable attributes and formats.

Top 20 Advanced SAS interview questions and answers

1. What is the difference between SAS and other statistical software?
SAS is a powerful statistical software tool that provides a wide range of statistical analysis and data management capabilities. Compared to other statistical software, SAS is known for its robustness, reliability, and versatility.

2. What are some advanced SAS procedures?
Some advanced SAS procedures include PROC LOGISTIC for logistic regression, PROC GLM for general linear models, PROC MIXED for mixed models, PROC SQL for database operations, PROC TRANSPOSE for transposing data, and PROC REPORT for creating custom reports.

3. What is macro variable in SAS?
A macro variable in SAS is a variable that stores a value or a text string and can be referenced anywhere in a SAS program. Macro variables are created and managed using the macro language in SAS.

4. Can you explain the concept of macro functions in SAS?
Macro functions in SAS are predefined functions that can be used in the macro language to perform various operations. These functions include %SCAN, %SUBSTR, %SYSFUNC, %TRIM, and more.

5. What is PROC COMPARE used for?
PROC COMPARE is a SAS procedure used to compare two datasets or two variables within a dataset. It identifies and reports differences between the datasets or variables.

6. What is the difference between SAS data step and PROC SQL?
SAS data step is used for data manipulation, data cleaning, and creating new variables, while PROC SQL is used for querying and working with data using SQL (Structured Query Language) syntax.

7. What are index and data pending options in SAS?
Index option in SAS is used to create indexes on specified columns of a dataset, which improves the performance of data retrieval. Data pending option allows you to temporarily store intermediate results while processing large volumes of data.

8. How do you debug SAS programs?
SAS provides several debugging techniques, such as using the SAS log, displaying variable values using PUT statements, using the DMDEBUG macro, and using the SAS debugger tool.

9. What is PROC TABULATE used for?
PROC TABULATE is a SAS procedure used to create tables and summary reports from data. It provides enhanced control over table formatting, calculations, and display options.

10. What is the purpose of using the MERGE statement in SAS?
The MERGE statement is used to combine two or more datasets into a single dataset based on a common variable or variables. It allows you to match observations from different datasets based on specified conditions.

11. What is the difference between the RETAIN and SUM statements in SAS?
The RETAIN statement in SAS is used to retain values across data step iterations, while the SUM statement is used to calculate running sums of numeric variables.

12. What is the significance of the OUTPUT statement in SAS?
The OUTPUT statement in SAS is used to create a new dataset or update an existing dataset with selected observations. It is typically used with conditional processing using IF-THEN statements.

13. What is BY-group processing in SAS?
BY-group processing in SAS is a technique used to perform computations and analyses within groups of data defined by one or more variables. It allows you to process data subgroup-wise rather than across the entire dataset.

14. What is the purpose of using the SAS macro language?
The SAS macro language is used to automate repetitive and complex programming tasks in SAS. It allows you to create reusable code segments called macros, which can be called multiple times with different parameters.

15. What is the significance of the MODIFY statement in SAS?
The MODIFY statement in SAS is used to update or modify existing observations directly in a dataset. It is useful when you want to update specific observations instead of creating a new dataset.

16. How do you handle missing values in SAS?
Missing values in SAS can be handled using several techniques, such as using the MISSING statement, using the IF-THEN-ELSE statements, using functions like COALESCE and IFN, and using the PROC TRANSPOSE procedure.

17. Can you explain the difference between the IN operator and EXISTS operator in SAS?
The IN operator is used to compare a value with a list of values, while the EXISTS operator is used to check the existence of a record in a subquery or a specified table.

18. What is the purpose of the DATA step and PROC step in SAS?
The DATA step in SAS is used to create new datasets, manipulate data, and perform calculations and transformations. The PROC step is used to execute pre-defined SAS procedures for specific tasks like analysis, reporting, and modeling.

19. What is the significance of the OUTPUT delivery system in SAS?
The OUTPUT delivery system (ODS) in SAS allows you to generate and deliver output in various formats such as HTML, PDF, Excel, and RTF. It provides flexibility in presenting and sharing results with others.

20. What is the difference between the WHERE statement and the IF statement in SAS?
The WHERE statement in SAS is used to subset observations based on conditions before processing the data, while the IF statement is used to conditionally execute statements within a data step or a procedure based on specific criteria.

SAS Programmer (50) 

Interview Questions and answers

Describe the difference between the WHERE and IF statements in SAS.
suresh answered 8 months ago • 
64 views1 answers0 votes
Describe the difference between PROC MEANS and PROC SUMMARY in SAS.
suresh answered 8 months ago • 
64 views2 answers0 votes
What is the difference between WHERE and IF statements in SAS?
suresh answered 8 months ago • 
64 views1 answers0 votes
What are the different ways to read data into SAS?
suresh answered 8 months ago • 
47 views1 answers0 votes
What is the difference between the Inoby and Ifnoby functions in SAS?
suresh answered 8 months ago • 
57 views2 answers0 votes
How do you create a new variable in SAS using the DATA step?
suresh answered 8 months ago • 
61 views1 answers0 votes