SAP ABAP Programmer (46) Welcome to our SAP ABAP Interview Questions and Answers Page!
Here, you will find a comprehensive collection of commonly asked interview questions and expertly crafted answers for SAP ABAP. Whether you are preparing for an upcoming interview or simply looking to expand your knowledge, this resource will provide valuable insights to enhance your skills in ABAP programming. Enjoy exploring and good luck with your preparations!
Top 20 Basic SAP ABAP interview questions and answers
1. What is SAP ABAP?
SAP ABAP (Advanced Business Application Programming) is a programming language used for developing applications on SAP NetWeaver platform.
2. What are the different data types in ABAP?
ABAP supports many data types such as strings, integers, decimals, dates, times, and more.
3. What is a transparent table in SAP ABAP?
A transparent table in SAP ABAP is a physical table in the database that has a one-to-one relationship with the SAP system’s data dictionary.
4. What is a ABAP dictionary?
ABAP dictionary is a central repository where all the metadata definitions used by ABAP programs are stored. It defines the structure, attributes, and relationships of various data objects.
5. What is a select statement in ABAP?
A select statement is used to retrieve data from database tables in ABAP. It allows you to specify conditions and retrieve specific fields or all fields from a table.
6. What is an internal table in ABAP?
An internal table in ABAP is a temporary table used to store data during program execution. It is similar to an array and can be of different types such as standard, sorted, or hashed tables.
7. What is a BDC (Batch Data Communication) in SAP ABAP?
BDC is a method used to transfer data from external systems into the SAP system. It enables the automation of repetitive data entry tasks by simulating user input.
8. What is an ALV report in SAP ABAP?
ALV (ABAP List Viewer) report is a tool used to display data from internal tables in a formatted format. It provides functionalities such as sorting, filtering, and subtotaling.
9. What is a function module in ABAP?
A function module in ABAP is a self-contained block of code that can be reused across multiple programs. It performs specific tasks and can be called from different ABAP programs.
10. What is a module pool program in ABAP?
A module pool program in ABAP is a collection of screens and flow logic used for interactive applications. It allows users to input data and display output in a structured manner.
11. What is a class in ABAP?
A class in ABAP is a blueprint for creating objects. It encapsulates data and methods, which define the behavior and properties of the objects.
12. What is a BADI (Business Add-In) in SAP ABAP?
A BADI is an enhancement technique in SAP ABAP that allows you to add custom logic to standard SAP programs without modifying the original source code.
13. What is the purpose of a function group in ABAP?
A function group in ABAP is a collection of related function modules. It provides a way to organize and group together similar function modules.
14. What is the difference between an interface and an abstract class in ABAP?
An interface in ABAP defines a contract for classes that implement it, specifying the methods that must be implemented. An abstract class can also define methods, but it can also provide default implementations for some or all of its methods.
15. What is a field symbol in ABAP?
A field symbol in ABAP is a pointer to a field or an individual component of an ABAP data object. It allows you to access and manipulate data dynamically at runtime.
16. What is a proxy class in ABAP?
A proxy class in ABAP is used for communication between SAP systems or between SAP and external systems. It acts as a wrapper for remote function calls and provides a way to invoke remote methods.
17. What is the difference between a work area and a header line in ABAP?
Both work area and header line are used to store data during program execution. The main difference is that a work area is defined explicitly using a structure, whereas a header line is created implicitly when referencing a table in ABAP.
18. What is a lock object in SAP ABAP?
A lock object in SAP ABAP is used to control access to shared resources or data. It ensures that only one user can modify the data at a time and prevents conflicting updates.
19. What is an IDoc in SAP ABAP?
An IDoc (Intermediate Document) is a standardized format for exchanging data between systems in SAP. It is used for communication between different applications and can be sent as a file or through direct system-to-system communication.
20. What is the difference between a select statement and a select single statement in ABAP?
A select statement in ABAP is used to retrieve multiple records from a database table based on specified conditions. A select single statement, on the other hand, retrieves only one record from the table that satisfies the conditions.
Top 20 Advanced SAP ABAP interview questions and answers
1. What is an ABAP Dictionary?
ABAP Dictionary is a central repository used to manage database objects such as tables, views, data types, domains, etc., in an SAP system.
2. What is the difference between INCLUDE and APPEND in ABAP?
INCLUDE is used to include a program or function module into another program without any changes. APPEND is used to add additional code to a program without modifying the original code.
3. What is a BAPI?
BAPI (Business Application Programming Interface) is a set of methods or functions provided by SAP to access and manipulate business data in an SAP system. BAPIs can be used by external applications to interface with SAP systems.
4. What is the use of type P in ABAP?
Type P is used to define packed number data types in ABAP. Packed numbers are used to store decimal numbers with fixed precision and scale.
5. What is a Function module in SAP ABAP?
A function module is a reusable subroutine in SAP ABAP that performs a specific task. It can be called from other ABAP programs, function modules, or external systems.
6. What are the different types of ABAP programs?
There are four types of ABAP programs:
– Report Programs: Used to generate reports.
– Module Pool Programs: Used to create interactive screens.
– Function Group Programs: Used to group related function modules.
– Class Programs: Used to define and implement classes.
7. What is a BADI (Business Add-In)?
BADI (Business Add-In) is an enhancement technique in SAP ABAP that allows you to add or modify the standard behavior of SAP applications without modifying the existing code. BADIs provide predefined hooks (methods) that can be implemented to add custom logic.
8. What is a proxy class in ABAP?
A proxy class in ABAP is a generated class that acts as a communication interface between an SAP system and an external system. It provides methods to call and communicate with external systems using web services.
9. What is an ALV (ABAP List Viewer)?
ALV (ABAP List Viewer) is a standard SAP tool used to display data in tabular or hierarchical format. ALV provides various functionalities such as sorting, filtering, subtotaling, and exporting data to different formats.
10. What is the difference between GET and READ TABLE statements in ABAP?
GET TABLE is used to retrieve a single row from an internal table based on a specified key. READ TABLE is used to retrieve multiple rows from an internal table based on a specified key or condition.
11. What is the use of Open SQL in ABAP?
Open SQL is a subset of SQL supported by SAP ABAP that allows you to access and manipulate database tables using standard SQL statements. Open SQL provides a platform-independent way to access database tables in an SAP system.
12. What are the different types of function modules?
There are two types of function modules in ABAP:
– Function modules with parameters: These function modules accept input parameters and return output parameters.
– Function modules with tables: These function modules accept input parameters and return tables as output.
13. What is the use of CALL TRANSACTION statement in ABAP?
CALL TRANSACTION is used to execute an SAP transaction from within an ABAP program. It is used to automate the execution of transactions and to pass data between programs.
14. What is the difference between EXPORT and IMPORT in ABAP?
EXPORT is used to store data from an ABAP program into a memory area called the export table, which can be accessed later using IMPORT. IMPORT is used to retrieve data stored in the export table back into an ABAP program.
15. What are the different types of debugging techniques in ABAP?
There are three types of debugging techniques in ABAP:
– Classic Debugger: It is the standard debugging tool in ABAP.
– New Debugger: It is an enhanced version of the classic debugger with additional features.
– Remote Debugger: It is used to debug remote systems from a local SAP system.
16. What is the use of SAPScript in ABAP?
SAPScript is a text-processing tool in ABAP used to create and print forms, labels, and documents in an SAP system. It provides capabilities to create templates, define text elements, and generate printed output.
17. What is the use of an internal table in ABAP?
Internal tables are used to store and manipulate temporary data sets within an ABAP program. They provide a structured way to store data in memory and perform operations like sorting, filtering, etc.
18. What is a data element in ABAP Dictionary?
Data element is a definition used to define the semantics and characteristics of a domain in an ABAP Dictionary. It provides additional information such as documentation and field labels.
19. What is the use of field symbols in ABAP?
Field symbols are placeholders or pointers in ABAP that allow you to dynamically access and manipulate data in memory. They can be used to avoid copying large amounts of data and improve performance.
20. What is a Smart Form in SAP ABAP?
Smart Forms is a form printing tool in SAP ABAP that provides a graphical interface to create and maintain forms. It allows you to design complex forms with different output formats such as PDF, HTML, etc.
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