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Here, you will find a collection of commonly asked .Net interview questions along with their answers. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced professional, this page will help you prepare for your .Net interviews.
Top 20 Basic .Net interview questions and answers
Q1: What is .NET?
.NET is a software framework developed by Microsoft. It provides an environment to build, deploy, and run web services and applications.
Q2: What are the main components of the .NET framework?
The main components of the .NET framework are Common Language Runtime (CLR), Framework Class Library (FCL), and ASP.NET.
Q3: What is the Common Language Runtime (CLR)?
The Common Language Runtime (CLR) is the execution environment in .NET that runs the code. It provides various services like memory management, exception handling, and security checks.
Q4: What is the Framework Class Library (FCL)?
The Framework Class Library (FCL) is a collection of reusable classes, interfaces, and value types provided by .NET. It contains a wide range of pre-built functionality to simplify development.
Q5: What is C#?
C# is a modern, object-oriented programming language developed by Microsoft. It is widely used for building applications on the .NET framework.
Q6: What is the main difference between value types and reference types in C#?
Value types store data directly, while reference types store references to the actual data. Value types are stored on the stack, while reference types are stored on the heap.
Q7: What is the difference between boxing and unboxing in C#?
Boxing is the process of converting a value type to an object type, while unboxing is the process of converting an object type back to a value type.
Q8: What is the difference between a class and an object?
A class is a blueprint or template for creating objects, while an object is an instance of a class. Classes define the properties, methods, and events that objects can have.
Q9: What is object-oriented programming (OOP)?
Object-oriented programming is a programming paradigm that focuses on objects and their interactions. It emphasizes encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism.
Q10: What are the different types of inheritance in C#?
C# supports single inheritance, where a class can inherit from only one base class. However, it supports multiple interface inheritance, where a class can implement multiple interfaces.
Q11: What is the difference between interface and abstract class?
An interface only defines the contract for the behavior, while an abstract class can also provide partial implementation. A class can implement multiple interfaces, but it can inherit from only one abstract class.
Q12: What is the Main() method in C#?
The Main() method is the entry point for a C# application. It is called automatically when the application starts and is responsible for starting the execution of the program.
Q13: What is the difference between debug and release mode?
In debug mode, the application runs with extra debugging information and is slower. In release mode, the application runs optimized without any debugging information and is faster.
Q14: What is garbage collection? How does it work in .NET?
Garbage collection is the automatic process of reclaiming memory occupied by objects that are no longer in use. In .NET, the CLR uses a mark-and-sweep algorithm to identify and collect unused objects.
Q15: What are assemblies in .NET?
Assemblies are the building blocks of .NET applications. They contain compiled code, metadata, and resources needed for execution. Assemblies can be in the form of DLLs or EXEs.
Q16: What is the Global Assembly Cache (GAC)?
The Global Assembly Cache (GAC) is a centralized location in .NET to store and manage shared assemblies. It allows multiple applications to use the same assembly version.
Q17: What is the difference between value types and reference types in .NET?
Value types are stored on the stack and directly contain their data, while reference types are stored on the heap and contain a reference to the actual data.
Q18: What is the difference between managed and unmanaged code?
Managed code is written in programming languages that target the CLR, providing automatic memory management and other benefits. Unmanaged code is written in languages like C or C++ and does not run under the CLR’s control.
Q19: Explain the concept of delegates in C#.
Delegates are type-safe function pointers that can reference methods. They are used to implement event handling, callbacks, and asynchronous programming in C#.
Q20: What is the difference between early binding and late binding?
Early binding refers to resolving and linking method calls at compile-time, while late binding refers to resolving and linking them at runtime. Early binding provides better performance and type safety, whereas late binding offers more flexibility.
Top 20 Advanced .Net interview questions and answers
1. What is the difference between Abstract Class and Interface?
Answer: An abstract class can have both abstract and non-abstract methods, whereas an interface can only have abstract methods. A class can implement multiple interfaces, but it can only inherit from one abstract class.
2. What are lambda expressions in C#?
Answer: Lambda expressions are anonymous functions that can be used to create delegates or expression tree types. They simplify the code by providing a concise syntax for writing functions.
3. What is the difference between Value Types and Reference Types?
Answer: Value types are stored on the stack, while reference types are stored on the heap. Value types store their actual values, while reference types store references to their objects.
4. How does garbage collection work in .NET?
Answer: Garbage collection in .NET automatically releases the memory used by objects that are no longer referenced. It works by using a mark-and-sweep algorithm, where it marks objects that are still in use and sweeps away the ones that are not.
5. What is the purpose of the “using” statement in C#?
Answer: The “using” statement in C# is used for automatically disposing of objects that implement the IDisposable interface. It ensures that resources are released even if an exception occurs.
6. What are the advantages of using LINQ in .NET?
Answer: LINQ (Language Integrated Query) provides a unified way to query different types of data sources, such as databases, XML files, and collections. It offers compile-time checking, intellisense support, and improves code readability and maintainability.
7. What is the difference between boxing and unboxing?
Answer: Boxing is the process of converting a value type to a reference type, while unboxing is the process of converting a reference type back to a value type. Boxing creates a new object on the heap, while unboxing extracts the value from the boxed object.
8. What is the purpose of the IDisposable interface?
Answer: The IDisposable interface is used to release unmanaged resources such as database connections, file handles, and network connections. It includes a Dispose() method that should be called to explicitly release these resources.
9. What is the purpose of the yield keyword in C#?
Answer: The yield keyword is used in iterator methods to return each element of a collection one at a time. It allows you to create custom iterators without implementing a full enumerator.
10. What is the difference between a deep copy and a shallow copy?
Answer: A shallow copy of an object copies the object’s reference, while a deep copy creates a clone of the object with its own separate memory. Modifying a shallow copy affects the original object, while modifying a deep copy doesn’t.
11. What are extension methods in C#?
Answer: Extension methods allow developers to add new methods to existing types without modifying the original type. They provide a way to extend the functionality of a class without inheriting from it.
12. What is the purpose of the async and await keywords in C#?
Answer: The async and await keywords are used in asynchronous programming. They allow developers to write non-blocking code that can wait for long-running operations without blocking the main thread.
13. What is the difference between a thread and a task?
Answer: A thread is a lightweight unit of execution within a process, while a task is a higher-level abstraction that represents an asynchronous operation. Tasks are built on top of threads and provide a simpler programming model.
14. What are the different types of collections in .NET?
Answer: .NET provides different types of collections such as ArrayList, List, Dictionary, HashSet, Stack, Queue, etc. Each collection has its own specific purpose and data structure.
15. What is the purpose of the Global Assembly Cache (GAC)?
Answer: The Global Assembly Cache (GAC) is a machine-wide cache used for storing and managing shared assemblies. It allows multiple applications to use the same version of an assembly, ensuring version compatibility.
16. How can you secure sensitive data in .NET?
Answer: Sensitive data in .NET can be secured by using techniques such as encryption, hashing, and secure storage mechanisms. The .NET framework provides libraries and APIs to implement these security measures.
17. What is the purpose of the System.Web namespace in ASP.NET?
Answer: The System.Web namespace in ASP.NET contains classes and components related to web applications. It provides functionality for handling HTTP requests and responses, session management, caching, etc.
18. How can you improve the performance of an ASP.NET application?
Answer: You can improve the performance of an ASP.NET application by implementing caching, optimizing database queries, using output caching, minimizing HTTP requests, reducing view state, and implementing efficient algorithms and coding practices.
19. Explain the concept of delegates and events in .NET.
Answer: Delegates are type-safe function pointers that can be used to encapsulate methods and pass them as arguments. Events are special types of delegates that are used for implementing the observer pattern. They allow objects to notify other objects when a certain event occurs.
20. What is the purpose of the Common Language Runtime (CLR)?
Answer: The Common Language Runtime (CLR) is the execution environment of the .NET framework. It provides services such as memory management, exception handling, security, code verification, and JIT compilation.
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