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Welcome to our Big Data Hadoop Interview Questions and Answers page!

Here, you will find a comprehensive collection of frequently asked interview questions and well-explained answers. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced professional, this resource will help you grasp the fundamental concepts and enhance your preparation for Hadoop interviews.

Top 20 Basic Big Data Hadoop interview questions and answers

1. What is Big Data?
Answer: Big Data refers to a large volume of structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data that cannot be easily processed using traditional database management tools.

2. What is Apache Hadoop?
Answer: Apache Hadoop is an open-source framework that allows distributed processing of large datasets across a cluster of computers using simple programming models.

3. What are the core components of Hadoop?
Answer: The core components of Hadoop include Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) for storing data, and MapReduce for processing data in parallel across a cluster.

4. What is HDFS?
Answer: HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System) is a distributed file system that provides high-throughput access to application data across Hadoop clusters.

5. What is MapReduce?
Answer: MapReduce is a programming model used for processing and generating large datasets in parallel across a Hadoop cluster.

6. What is the role of a NameNode in Hadoop?
Answer: The NameNode is the master node in HDFS that manages the file system namespace, controls block assignments, and tracks storage locations.

7. What is the role of a DataNode in Hadoop?
Answer: The DataNode is a slave node in HDFS that stores data in the form of blocks and performs read/write operations upon instruction from the NameNode.

8. Explain the working of MapReduce.
Answer: In MapReduce, the input data is divided into smaller chunks and processed parallelly across a cluster. The Map phase performs data filtering and transformation, while the Reduce phase performs aggregation and summarization.

9. What is YARN in Hadoop?
Answer: YARN stands for “Yet Another Resource Negotiator” and is the resource management and job scheduling framework in Hadoop.

10. Explain the concept of Hadoop streaming.
Answer: Hadoop streaming allows you to create and run MapReduce jobs using any programming language that can read from standard input and write to standard output.

11. What are the advantages of using Hadoop?
Answer: Some advantages of using Hadoop include cost-effectiveness, scalability, fault-tolerance, and the ability to process both structured and unstructured data.

12. What are the challenges associated with Big Data processing using Hadoop?
Answer: Some challenges include data security, data quality, data integration, and the need for skilled professionals to manage and operate Hadoop clusters.

13. How does Hadoop ensure data reliability in a distributed environment?
Answer: Hadoop ensures data reliability by replicating the data blocks across multiple DataNodes. If one DataNode fails, the data can still be accessed from other nodes.

14. What is the difference between Hadoop and Spark?
Answer: Hadoop is a batch-oriented processing framework, while Spark is a lightning-fast cluster computing system that supports both batch and real-time processing.

15. What is HBase in Hadoop?
Answer: HBase is a distributed NoSQL database that runs on top of Hadoop and provides random, real-time read/write access to large datasets.

16. How does Hadoop handle failures in a cluster?
Answer: Hadoop handles failures by continuously monitoring the health of individual nodes and automatically reallocating the work to other nodes in the event of a failure.

17. What is the purpose of a secondary NameNode?
Answer: The secondary NameNode in Hadoop is responsible for creating checkpoints in the file system metadata and helps in reducing the recovery time after a NameNode failure.

18. How is data stored in Hadoop?
Answer: Data in Hadoop is stored in the form of blocks across multiple DataNodes in a distributed manner to ensure high availability and fault tolerance.

19. What are the common input formats in Hadoop?
Answer: Common input formats in Hadoop include Text Input Format, Sequence File Input Format, and File Input Format.

20. Can Hadoop be used for real-time processing?
Answer: Hadoop is not primarily designed for real-time processing, but frameworks like Apache Spark and Apache Flink can be used for real-time processing on top of Hadoop.

Top 20 Advanced Big Data Hadoop interview questions and answers

1. What is the role of a Combiner in Hadoop MapReduce?
The Combiner is an optional class in Hadoop MapReduce that performs local aggregation of the map output. It acts as a mini-reducer and reduces the data transmitted from Mapper to Reducer, improving the overall performance.

2. Explain the different file formats supported by Hadoop.
Hadoop supports various file formats like Text files, Sequence files, Avro files, ORC files, and Parquet files. Each file format has different benefits and can be chosen based on the specific requirements of the application.

3. What is the difference between InputSplit and HDFS Block?
HDFS Block is the physical division of data in Hadoop Distributed File System. InputSplit, on the other hand, is the logical division of data to be processed by MapReduce tasks.

4. What is NameNode in Hadoop?
NameNode is the master node in HDFS and is responsible for storing the metadata of file systems such as file names, permissions, and directory hierarchy. It also keeps track of the location of data blocks on the DataNodes.

5. What are the different configuration files in Hadoop?
The key configuration files in Hadoop are core-site.xml, hdfs-site.xml, yarn-site.xml, and mapred-site.xml. These files contain various properties and settings that affect the behavior of Hadoop.

6. Explain the concept of Data Locality in Hadoop.
Data Locality is the principle in Hadoop that suggests moving computation as close to the data as possible. In other words, it ensures that the processing tasks are executed on the same nodes where the data resides, minimizing network traffic and improving performance.

7. What is speculative execution in Hadoop?
Speculative execution is a feature in Hadoop that allows the system to launch backup tasks for tasks that are running slowly. These backup tasks run on different nodes and whichever task finishes first, its result is accepted, and the others are killed.

8. How is data stored in HDFS?
Data in HDFS is divided into blocks and stored across multiple DataNodes. Each block is replicated across multiple DataNodes for fault tolerance. The blocks are managed by the NameNode which stores the metadata and keeps track of block locations.

9. What is MapReduce Partitioner in Hadoop?
MapReduce Partitioner is responsible for assigning keys to different reducers based on a specific logic. It ensures that all the records corresponding to the same key are processed by the same reducer.

10. Explain the working of the Hadoop YARN Resource Manager.
Hadoop YARN Resource Manager is responsible for managing the allocation of resources across applications. It receives resource requests from individual applications and allocates resources by monitoring the utilization of resources in the cluster.

11. What is speculative execution in Hadoop?
Speculative execution is a feature in Hadoop that allows the system to launch backup tasks for tasks that are running slowly. These backup tasks run on different nodes and whichever task finishes first, its result is accepted, and the others are killed.

12. Explain the concept of InputFormat in Hadoop.
InputFormat is an interface in Hadoop that defines how input data is read, divided, and processed by MapReduce tasks. It specifies the input data location, the processing logic, and how data is split into input splits.

13. What is the role of the Reducer in Hadoop MapReduce?
Reducer is responsible for processing the output generated by the Mapper. It performs the final aggregation of the intermediate key-value pairs and generates the final output data.

14. What is the purpose of a Combiner in MapReduce?
A Combiner is a mini-reducer that performs local aggregation of the map output. It reduces the amount of data transferred from Mapper to Reducer, improving the overall performance of the MapReduce job.

15. Explain the concept of speculative execution in Hadoop.
Speculative execution is a feature in Hadoop that allows the system to launch backup tasks for tasks that are running slowly. These backup tasks run on different nodes and whichever task finishes first, its result is accepted, and the others are killed.

16. What is the difference between a DataNode and a TaskTracker in Hadoop?
A DataNode is responsible for storing data blocks in HDFS, while a TaskTracker is responsible for executing MapReduce tasks. DataNodes handle data storage and retrieval, whereas TaskTrackers handle task execution.

17. What is the significance of the shuffle phase in MapReduce?
The shuffle phase in MapReduce is responsible for redistributing the intermediate key-value pairs produced by the Mapper to the Reducers. It ensures that all records with the same key are sent to the same Reducer for aggregation.

18. How does Hadoop handle data skewness?
Hadoop can handle data skewness by using custom partitioners or Combiners that perform pre-aggregation. These techniques help to balance the workload across Reducers and improve the overall performance of the job.

19. What is the purpose of the Distributed Cache in Hadoop?
The Distributed Cache in Hadoop is used to distribute read-only files like lookup tables or configuration files to the nodes in the cluster. It improves performance by reducing the amount of data transferred over the network.

20. How does speculative execution work in Hadoop?
Speculative execution in Hadoop works by launching backup tasks for tasks that are running slowly. These backup tasks run on different nodes, and once one of them finishes, its result is accepted, and the others are killed. This ensures that slow tasks do not impact the overall job completion time.

Apache Spark (46) 

Interview Questions and answers

How can data locality be optimized in Hadoop?
suresh answered 7 months ago • 
73 views1 answers0 votes
Explain the difference between MapReduce and Spark.
suresh answered 8 months ago • 
93 views1 answers0 votes