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Job interview questions and answers
Here, you will find all the essential information you need to ace your BASIC interviews. We have compiled a comprehensive list of commonly asked questions and provided detailed answers to help you prepare effectively. Browse through the content and boost your confidence for a successful interview!
1. What is BASIC programming language?
BASIC (Beginner’s All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code) is a high-level programming language developed in the 1960s. It was designed to be easy to learn and use for beginners in programming.
2. When was BASIC programming language developed?
BASIC was first developed in 1964 by John G. Kemeny and Thomas E. Kurtz at Dartmouth College.
3. What are the key features of BASIC programming language?
Some of the key features of BASIC include simplicity, English-like syntax, interactive execution, and support for structured programming.
4. What is the purpose of GOTO statement in BASIC?
The GOTO statement is used to transfer the program execution to a specified line number in the program.
5. What is the difference between GOSUB and GOTO statements in BASIC?
While both GOSUB and GOTO statements transfer control to a specified line number, GOSUB also saves the current program position, allowing it to return to the calling line later.
6. What is the role of REM statement in BASIC?
The REM (Remark) statement is used to add comments or explanatory notes within the program. It has no effect on the program execution.
7. What is a variable in BASIC?
A variable is a named storage location that holds a value. It can be assigned different values during the program execution.
8. How are variables declared in BASIC?
In BASIC, variables are typically declared using the DIM statement followed by the variable name. For example, “DIM x”.
9. What are the different data types supported by BASIC?
BASIC supports data types such as integer, floating-point, string, boolean, and arrays.
10. What is looping in BASIC?
Looping allows a specific section of code to be repeated multiple times. BASIC provides various looping constructs such as FOR…NEXT and DO…LOOP.
11. How are arrays declared and used in BASIC?
Arrays in BASIC are declared using the DIM statement with the desired dimensions. Array elements are accessed using the array name and index number.
12. What is the use of INPUT statement in BASIC?
The INPUT statement allows the user to enter data from the keyboard. It prompts the user for input and stores it in a variable.
13. How are strings manipulated in BASIC?
BASIC provides various string manipulation functions such as LEFT$, RIGHT$, MID$, and CONCAT$ for working with strings.
14. What is the difference between PRINT and INPUT statements in BASIC?
The PRINT statement is used to display output on the screen, while the INPUT statement is used to accept input from the user.
15. What is structured programming in BASIC?
Structured programming is a programming concept that emphasizes using structured constructs such as loops, conditionals, and subroutines to build modular and maintainable programs.
16. What is the purpose of an IF…THEN…ELSE statement in BASIC?
The IF…THEN…ELSE statement allows conditional execution of different code blocks based on the evaluation of a condition.
17. How are subroutines or functions defined in BASIC?
Subroutines or functions in BASIC are defined using the DEF statement, followed by the function name and parameters. They can be called from other parts of the program.
18. What is debugging in BASIC programming?
Debugging is the process of finding and fixing errors or defects in a program. BASIC provides tools such as PRINT statements and stepping through code to aid in debugging.
19. What are some advantages of using BASIC programming language?
Some advantages of BASIC include its simplicity, ease of learning, quick development time, and versatility in various application areas.
20. Can BASIC programs be compiled or interpreted?
BASIC programs can be both compiled and interpreted. Some versions of BASIC support direct compilation to machine code, while others interpret the source code line by line.
1. What is the difference between BASIC and Advanced BASIC?
BASIC is a beginner-friendly programming language, while Advanced BASIC refers to an extended version of BASIC that includes additional features and capabilities.
2. What are arrays in BASIC?
Arrays in BASIC are a collection of elements of the same data type, organized under a single variable name, accessing which is done using an index.
3. How can you declare and initialize an array in BASIC?
In BASIC, you can declare and initialize an array using the DIM statement. For example:
DIM numbers(10)
4. How do you implement a loop in BASIC?
In BASIC, loops can be implemented using the FOR…NEXT, DO…LOOP, and WHILE…WEND statements.
5. What is the purpose of the GOTO statement in BASIC?
The GOTO statement in BASIC allows jumping to a specific line number or label in the program, enabling non-linear execution flow.
6. What does the ON…GOTO statement do in BASIC?
The ON…GOTO statement in BASIC is used for multi-branching, where the program jumps to a specific line number or label based on the given condition.
7. How can you handle errors in BASIC?
BASIC provides the ON ERROR statement to handle errors. By specifying the desired error handling routine, the program can gracefully handle unexpected errors.
8. Explain the concept of recursion in BASIC.
Recursion in BASIC refers to a function calling itself. It allows solving complex problems by breaking them down into smaller subproblems.
9. What is the purpose of the RANDOMIZE statement in BASIC?
The RANDOMIZE statement in BASIC is used to initialize the random number generator with a seed value. This ensures that each time the program runs, it generates different random numbers.
10. How can you work with strings in BASIC?
BASIC provides various string manipulation functions, such as LEFT$, RIGHT$, MID$, LEN, etc., which allow working with strings efficiently.
11. How do you define and use subroutines in BASIC?
In BASIC, subroutines can be defined using the SUB…END SUB statement. They allow modularizing code and can be called from the main program using the CALL statement.
12. What is the purpose of the DATA statement in BASIC?
The DATA statement in BASIC is used to define a set of constant values. These values can be accessed using the READ statement in the program.
13. How can you implement file handling in BASIC?
BASIC provides file handling operations through commands like OPEN, CLOSE, WRITE, READ, etc., allowing reading from and writing to external files.
14. What are user-defined functions in BASIC?
User-defined functions are custom functions created by the programmer to perform specific tasks. They are defined using the FUNCTION…END FUNCTION statement.
15. How can you manipulate graphics in BASIC?
BASIC provides graphics commands like LINE, CIRCLE, PSET, etc., enabling the creation and manipulation of graphical elements on the screen.
16. What is the purpose of the SOUND statement in BASIC?
The SOUND statement in BASIC is used to produce sounds of different frequencies and durations, allowing the program to generate audio output.
17. How can you implement error handling using TRY…CATCH statements in BASIC?
BASIC does not provide built-in TRY…CATCH statements. However, error handling can be implemented using the ON ERROR statement and conditional branching.
18. Explain dynamic memory allocation in BASIC.
BASIC does not inherently support dynamic memory allocation. Memory management is typically handled automatically by the language runtime.
19. How do you implement multitasking in BASIC?
BASIC is not designed for multitasking. However, simple multitasking can be achieved by using timers, interrupts, and background processes.
20. What are the advantages of using Advanced BASIC over other programming languages?
Some advantages of using Advanced BASIC include its ease of learning, simplicity, platform independence, and extensive support for numerical calculations and scientific programming.