The Difference Between White Box Testing and Black Box Testing
White Box Testing: White box testing, also known as clear box testing or structural testing, is a software testing technique that focuses on the internal logic and structure of the system. Testers have access to the source code and design documents to create test cases based on the understanding of the code and its implementation. The main goal of white box testing is to ensure the completeness of all code paths and to verify the internal workings of the software.
Example: An example of when you would use white box testing is during unit testing, where individual components or modules of the software are tested in isolation to validate their functionality and logic.
Black Box Testing: Black box testing, also known as functional testing, is a software testing technique that focuses on the external behavior of the system without knowledge of the internal code implementation. Testers do not have access to the source code and test the software based on specifications, requirements, and user expectations. The main goal of black box testing is to validate the functional requirements and ensure that the software performs as expected from the end-user perspective.
Example: An example of when you would use black box testing is during system testing, where the entire system is tested as a whole to assess its functionality and interactions with external systems or components.
Overall, both white box testing and black box testing are essential in ensuring the quality and reliability of software applications by addressing different aspects of software testing.

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