Can you explain the difference between Primary Index and Secondary Index in Teradata?

1 Answers
Answered by suresh

Understanding Primary and Secondary Index in Teradata

When dealing with Teradata databases, it's crucial to understand the distinction between Primary Index and Secondary Index.

Primary Index

The Primary Index in Teradata is a unique identifier assigned to each row in a table, ensuring that data is evenly distributed across all AMPs (Access Module Processors) in the system. It is crucial for data retrieval efficiency, as it helps in quickly locating and accessing specific rows of data in parallel processing environments.

Secondary Index

On the other hand, a Secondary Index in Teradata is an additional index structure that can be defined on a column or set of columns in a table to facilitate faster access to specific rows based on those columns. While a Primary Index is mandatory for every table, Secondary Indexes are optional and can provide quicker access paths for specific queries that don't involve the Primary Index columns.

Overall, understanding and effectively utilizing both Primary and Secondary Indexes is essential for optimizing query performance and enhancing data retrieval efficiency in Teradata.

For more in-depth information on the Primary and Secondary Index in Teradata, feel free to consult the official Teradata documentation.

Answer for Question: Can you explain the difference between Primary Index and Secondary Index in Teradata?