Explanation of doGet() and doPost() methods in Servlets
In Servlets, the doGet() method is used to handle HTTP GET requests, while the doPost() method is used to handle HTTP POST requests. The main difference between these two methods is in how they handle the data sent by the client.
When a client sends a request using the GET method, the data is appended to the URL in the form of query parameters. This data can be accessed in the doGet() method using the request.getParameter() method.
On the other hand, when a client sends a request using the POST method, the data is sent in the request body. This data is accessed in the doPost() method using the request.getInputStream() method or request.getParameter() method if the content type is set to "application/x-www-form-urlencoded".
It is important to use the appropriate method based on the type of request being made to ensure proper handling of data and to adhere to HTTP conventions.

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