Sure! In Oracle, a **view** is a virtual table that contains the result set of a SQL query. Views are used to simplify complex queries and provide a way to encapsulate logic for better organization. They do not store data themselves, but instead, dynamically generate the result set based on the underlying tables.
On the other hand, a **materialized view** in Oracle is a physical copy of the result set generated by a query. Unlike regular views, materialized views store data on disk and need to be refreshed periodically to ensure their data is up-to-date. Materialized views are useful for improving query performance by pre-computing and storing the results, especially for complex or frequently used queries.
In summary, the main difference between a view and a materialized view in Oracle is that a view is a virtual representation of data that does not store data itself, while a materialized view is a physical copy of data that needs to be refreshed to reflect changes.
I hope this explanation helps to clarify the distinction between views and materialized views in Oracle.

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