How to handle multiple browser pop up in Selenium?

1 Answers
Answered by suresh

How to Handle Multiple Browser Pop Up in Selenium

How to Handle Multiple Browser Pop Up in Selenium

Handling multiple browser pop-ups in Selenium can be crucial for ensuring smooth test execution. Here are some strategies to effectively deal with this situation:

Using SwitchTo Method

One way to handle multiple pop-ups is by utilizing the SwitchTo method in Selenium. You can switch between different windows or pop-ups by using the window handle.

Identifying Pop-up Elements

Another approach is to identify the elements present in the pop-up window using unique locators like ID, name, class, etc. This allows you to interact with the elements and perform actions accordingly.

Handling Alerts

Alert pop-ups can be handled using the Alert interface in Selenium. You can accept, dismiss, or perform other actions on alert prompts that appear during test execution.

Key Takeaway

By employing the above techniques and staying updated with the latest Selenium features, you can effectively handle multiple browser pop-ups in your automation scripts.

Answer for Question: How to handle multiple browser pop up in Selenium?