What is inversion of control and how is it implemented in Spring framework?

1 Answers
Answered by suresh

What is Inversion of Control and How is it Implemented in the Spring Framework?

Inversion of Control (IoC) is a programming principle where the control over object creation and flow of a program is inverted, shifting the responsibility from the developer to a container or framework.

Focus Keyword: Inversion of Control

The Spring Framework implements Inversion of Control through Dependency Injection. In Spring, instead of creating objects directly within a class or method, dependencies are injected into the object from an external source. This allows for loose coupling between components and easier manageability of dependencies.

Dependency Injection in Spring can be achieved through constructor injection, setter injection, or field injection, where the dependencies are provided either through configuration files (XML or annotations) or using Java-based configuration.

By following the principles of Inversion of Control in Spring, developers can write more modular, flexible, and testable code, as well as facilitate better scalability and maintainability of their applications.

Answer for Question: What is inversion of control and how is it implemented in Spring framework?