Can you explain the difference between a function and a procedure in Oracle?

1 Answers
Answered by suresh

Explaining the Difference between a Function and a Procedure in Oracle

Difference between a Function and a Procedure in Oracle

In Oracle, a function is a named PL/SQL block that returns a value. It is used to perform calculations and return a single value. Functions are typically used in SQL queries, expressions, and can be called from SQL statements.

On the other hand, a procedure is a named PL/SQL block that performs an action. Procedures do not return any value directly, but they can modify database tables, execute queries, or perform other tasks. They are commonly used to encapsulate a series of actions that need to be performed together.

Key differences between a function and a procedure in Oracle:

  • A function must return a value, while a procedure does not.
  • Functions can be used in SQL statements, while procedures cannot.
  • Functions can be called directly in SQL queries or expressions, while procedures need to be called explicitly using a CALL statement.
  • Functions can be used in SELECT statements, whereas procedures cannot be used in SELECT statements.

Overall, the main distinction between a function and a procedure in Oracle is that a function returns a value, while a procedure does not.

Answer for Question: Can you explain the difference between a function and a procedure in Oracle?