Describe the difference between findElement() and findElements() methods in Selenium WebDriver.

1 Answers
Answered by suresh

Describe the difference between findElement() and findElements() methods in Selenium WebDriver

In Selenium WebDriver, both findElement() and findElements() are methods used to locate elements on a web page. The main difference between the two methods lies in their return types and behavior.

  • findElement(): This method is used to locate a single element on the web page based on the locator provided. If the element is not found, it will throw a NoSuchElementException. The return type of findElement() is an instance of the WebElement class.
  • findElements(): This method is used to locate multiple elements on the web page based on the locator provided. If no elements are found, it will return an empty list. The return type of findElements() is a List of WebElement objects.

So, in summary, findElement() returns a single WebElement matching the locator, while findElements() returns a list of WebElements matching the locator.

Answer for Question: Describe the difference between findElement() and findElements() methods in Selenium WebDriver.