What is the difference between Perl’s “my” and “local” variables?

1 Answers
Answered by suresh

Interview Question: Difference between Perl's "my" and "local" variables

What is the difference between Perl's "my" and "local" variables?

In Perl, the main difference between "my" and "local" variables is their scope.

Focus Keyword: Perl's "my" and "local" variables

my variables:

The "my" keyword is used to declare a variable with a lexical scope. This means that the variable is only visible and accessible within the block of code in which it is declared. Outside of that block, the variable is not accessible.

local variables:

On the other hand, the "local" keyword is used to create temporary global variables. Unlike "my" variables, "local" variables can be declared within a block and their value can be localized so that changes are visible outside the block. However, the scope of a "local" variable is still limited to the current package or file.

In summary, "my" variables have a lexical scope and are only accessible within the block where they are declared, while "local" variables have a dynamic scoping and changes made to them are visible outside the block where they are declared.

It is important to choose between "my" and "local" variables based on the desired scope and behavior in your Perl code.

Answer for Question: What is the difference between Perl’s “my” and “local” variables?