How can you configure quality notifications in SAP QM?

1 Answers
Answered by suresh

To configure quality notifications in SAP QM, you can follow these steps:

1. Go to the SAP Easy Access menu and navigate to Quality Management > Quality Notifications.

2. Click on the Create notification icon to start a new quality notification.

3. Enter the necessary information such as Notification Type, Notification Date, Plant, Work Center, etc.

4. Assign the appropriate priority, status, and responsible person for the notification.

5. Add details of the quality issue including the defect type, quantity, and affected materials.

6. Attach any relevant documents or images to the notification if needed.

7. Save the notification and confirm it to trigger the necessary workflow for resolution.

By following these steps, you can effectively configure quality notifications in SAP QM to manage and address quality issues in your organization's processes.

Answer for Question: How can you configure quality notifications in SAP QM?