What is a cursor in Oracle PL/SQL and how do you use it in your code?

1 Answers
Answered by suresh

What is a cursor in Oracle PL/SQL and how do you use it in your code?

What is a cursor in Oracle PL/SQL and how do you use it in your code?

In Oracle PL/SQL, a cursor is a database object that allows you to retrieve and manipulate the result set of a query. Cursors provide a way to iterate through the rows of a result set one by one.

To use a cursor in your code, you can declare it using the CURSOR keyword, specify the query that the cursor will execute, open the cursor, fetch rows from the cursor, and finally close the cursor when you are done. Here is an example:

   CURSOR cursor_name IS
      SELECT column1, column2
      FROM table_name;
   variable1 table_name.column1%TYPE;
   variable2 table_name.column2%TYPE;
   OPEN cursor_name;
      FETCH cursor_name INTO variable1, variable2;
      EXIT WHEN cursor_name%NOTFOUND;
      -- Process the retrieved data here
   CLOSE cursor_name;

By using cursors in your Oracle PL/SQL code, you can efficiently retrieve and process data row by row, giving you more control over how you interact with the database.

Answer for Question: What is a cursor in Oracle PL/SQL and how do you use it in your code?