Can you explain the difference between the RETAIN statement and the RETAIN function in SAS programming?

1 Answers
Answered by suresh

Explaining the Difference between the RETAIN Statement and the RETAIN Function in SAS Programming

When it comes to SAS programming, understanding the distinction between the RETAIN statement and the RETAIN function is crucial. The RETAIN keyword plays a significant role in managing variables and their values in SAS datasets.

The RETAIN Statement:

The RETAIN statement is a programming statement used in SAS to 'remember' the value of a variable across iterations of the DATA step. It is typically used to hold the value of a variable from the previous iteration to the next iteration. This ensures that the variable retains its value as the DATA step loops through observations.

The RETAIN Function:

On the other hand, the RETAIN function in SAS is used within the DATA step to initialize variables with specific values. Unlike the RETAIN statement, the RETAIN function is used to set the initial value of a variable and does not store the previous value for subsequent iterations.

In summary, while the RETAIN statement is used to retain the value of a variable across iterations, the RETAIN function simply initializes variables with specific values at the beginning of the DATA step.

By understanding the difference between the RETAIN statement and the RETAIN function, you can effectively manage variable values in SAS programming.

Answer for Question: Can you explain the difference between the RETAIN statement and the RETAIN function in SAS programming?