What are macro variables in SAS and how are they different from regular variables?

1 Answers
Answered by suresh

Understanding Macro Variables in SAS

Macro variables in SAS are dynamic placeholders that store information such as text strings or numeric values. They differ from regular variables in that macro variables are resolved during macro processing, providing flexibility and automation in SAS programming.

Differences between Macro Variables and Regular Variables:

  • Scope: Macro variables have a global scope, allowing them to be accessed and modified throughout the SAS session, while regular variables have a local scope limited to the specific data step or procedure where they are defined.
  • Resolution: Macro variables are resolved during compilation or execution of the program, enabling them to hold dynamic values that can be changed at runtime. In contrast, regular variables are resolved at runtime based on the data being processed.
  • Usage: Macro variables are commonly used in macro functions, automatic macro variables, and in general programming to streamline repetitive tasks and enhance code reusability. Regular variables are fundamental for storing and manipulating data values within SAS datasets.

By leveraging macro variables in SAS, programmers can create more efficient and adaptable code structures that cater to diverse analytical needs and scenarios.

Focus Keyword: Macro Variables in SAS

Answer for Question: What are macro variables in SAS and how are they different from regular variables?