What is JSP and how does it differ from Servlets?

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Answered by suresh

What is JSP and how does it differ from Servlets?

What is JSP and how does it differ from Servlets?

JavaServer Pages (JSP) is a technology that allows developers to create dynamic web pages using Java. JSP files contain a mixture of HTML and Java code, which is processed by the server to generate dynamic content.

Servlets, on the other hand, are Java classes that handle requests and responses on the server-side. They are typically used to implement the business logic of a web application.

The main difference between JSP and Servlets is that JSP allows developers to embed Java code within HTML, making it easier to create dynamic web pages. Servlets, on the other hand, require developers to write Java code to handle requests and generate responses directly.

Both JSP and Servlets are important technologies in Java web development, with JSP being more suitable for creating dynamic web pages with inline Java code, while Servlets are used for more complex server-side processing.

Answer for Question: What is JSP and how does it differ from Servlets?